Rhapsody in Two Languages
Dir. : Gordon Sparling [Associated Screen News, 1934]
Source :
Library and Archives Canada
Length: 10:55 |
Produced as part of the Canadian Cameo series, this stunning film by Gordon Sparling follows in the tradition of the “city symphonies” made by filmmakers such as Dziga Vertov and Walter Ruttmann in the final years of silent film. A bold shooting style and editing condense into eleven minutes twenty-four hours in the life of Canada’s largest and bilingual city, from workers rising early to the bar-hopping of nighthawks in the city’s cabarets. The prohibition of alcohol in force in the United States from 1920 to 1933, we should recall, had transformed Montreal into a sin city.
Film categorie associated with this film : Urban life
- Ainsi va la neige
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- Les Canadiens- français sur le front industriel
- Le cinquantenaire des Caisses populaires
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- La coopération et la guerre
- La dame aux camélias, la vraie
- Démonstrations religieuses trifluviennes, 1933-1936
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- La forteresse
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- Les lumières de ma ville
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- [Manufacture d’obus anti-aérien]
- Montreal by Night
- [Montréal]
- Projets d’avenir
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- [Régiments de Montréal (2)]
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- Rhapsody in Two Languages
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- The Butler's Night Off
- Tit-Coq
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- [Trans Canada Summer (2)]
- [Trans Canada Summer (3)]
- Trois-Rivières
- Un peuple se réjouit
- Une maison par jour
- L’Université de Montréal
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- [Ville de Québec (2)]
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